Mobilization and Training
Jesus changed the world with a small group of His disciples, and now wants every one of His Believers to understand that they too can gather together with 2 or 3 or more Believers to bring God’s Kingdom transformation to their sphere(s) of influence. Jesus called them, His Ekklesia (“called out ones”).
In addition to providing periodic live mission/kingdom training schools, we are listing here excellent training materials your Ekklesia Group can work through together with Holy Spirit as you endeavor to fulfill God’s mission mandate for you in the 7 Societal Mountains. GO BE MISSIONAL.
Training Resources
Here are categorized lists of pertinent training materials any Ekklesia Group would need to fulfill their Jesus-mandate. Just ask God where Holy Spirit is currently working in your Group. Scroll to that topic category and pick a resource to study with your Group. Then discuss among your Group with Holy Spirit’s help. Next prayerfully plan out your Group's missional steps. Now just go in faith partnering with Holy Spirit as your Group takes action.
You will be able to find training resources on just about everything from effective prayer & intercession, evangelism, personal discipleship growth, how to take back your sphere of influence for Christ, all the way to how to form a homefront team that successfully sends a frontline mission team to the nation of your choice.
Mobilizing Kingdom Workers
We mobilize Believers into Jesus’ local and global causes to see His Kingdom come on earth as it already is in Heaven. We do this through various vision-casting events, that encourage Believers to band together in like-minded Ekklesia groups to focus on one or more of society’s 7 spheres of influence (Family, Religion, Education, Marketplace, Government, Media, Arts & Entertainment).
We also mobilize and help train homefront and frontline teams to send disciple-making movement missionaries to the unreached people groups of the world.
We help to network these similar Kingdom causes with other Ekklesia groups focusing on the same sphere of influence or Kingdom cause, or a particular nation of the world, in order to help create Kingdom synergy. Follow our Mobilizing Events on our Facebook page.