The Mission

To equip you and your Ekklesia Group for Jesus’ kingdom mission

The Problem

The Body of Christ (the Ekklesia) still falls way short of Jesus’ Mt. 28:18-20 goal of developing true disciples of Christ (Ekklesia “called out ones”) that transform their sphere of influence with God’s Kingdom Biblical blueprint. Historically local/global missions have tried to fulfilled Jesus’ goal through highly trained ministers/missionaries, thereby limiting this Ekklesia to a very small percentage of Believers. This caused a mindset among the mass of Believers that basically thinks “I am not a trained professional minister/missionary; therefore, I will leave that work to the few highly trained ones.”

Our Solution

Jesus, along with His disciples made it clear that every Believer is a minister/missionary to their sphere of influence. Jesus also provided all Believers with His Holy Spirit to lead them into all the truth they need, to begin making disciples among their sphere of relationships. Jesus, and His disciples taught and modeled that this is best walked out in small groups of Believers that regularly meet to worship, pray, fellowship, grow as Ekklesia Believers. God will partner with these fellowshipping communities to reach their friends and relational spheres with the message of God’s Kingdom. In Matthew 18:20 Jesus basically said it takes as little as 2 or 3 gathered together in His Name and He guaranteed He would be there in their midst partnering with them.

We need to follow Jesus and His original disciples’ example of forming small groups of Ekklesia, and give them access to simple, yet powerful tools and resources, and encourage them to self-multiply until the whole world is evangelized. The end goal is to see Revelation 11:15 accomplished: all the kingdoms of the world becoming the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. Here is a healthy Biblical track to follow in your Ekklesia group/community, as you are growing in Christ and transforming your spheres of influence.

The 7 Main Phases to Making Disciples

Worship, Prayer and Intercession

All through the Bible, God has made it clear that He intends to work through His people AS THEY PRAY! So, develop your individual prayer life and your Ekklesia fellowship prayer times with equipping in Biblical Worship/Prayer/Intercession/Spiritual Warfare tools. Study, discuss and implement them together in your Ekklesia Group. Then PRAY as God leads you with Holy Spirit’s help and empowerment.

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From prayer, evangelistic efforts should be discerned from Holy Spirit, and implemented in the local and global harvest fields locally and/or globally. Therefore, friendship and other evangelistic lifestyles should be taught, modeled, and implemented throughout your Ekklesia gatherings. The goal is to equip all Believers to a level of confidence to go into the harvest fields, where God has their sphere of influence, to manifest God’s Kingdom in Holy Spirit led ways.

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Healing & Wholeness

Isaiah 61, and Luke 4:18-19 speak of Jesus’ and now our mission to seek and save the hurting, lost, etc., then to help transform them into an EKKLESIA of WORLD CHANGERS. Ideally, you want to equip all those, God connects you with, in a lifestyle of helping one another heal and be transformed Biblically, as issues arise in everyday life, which mostly are rooted in old overlooked issues and or generational inheritances. So, in community you can proactively work with God in His sanctification process of your souls.

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This Army needs to be well grounded in the word of God and know how to work with the Holy Spirit to fulfill their call. Discipleship lifestyles should be woven through everything you do. The Ekklesia community live – learn environment should be designed to be reproducible anywhere in the world. The goal is to help people be true disciples of Christ and reproduce, even multiply themselves, thereby creating disciple-making movements (DMMs).

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Giftings & Team Building

Ephesians 4 makes clear the call to the synergy of teamwork. The Holy Spirit networking of the different giftings in the Body of Christ “causes the growth of the body (Body of Christ/Ekklesia) for the building up of itself in love” (Ehp.4:16). So, your mission efforts should contain equipping in how God made us as uniquely gifted individuals. Next, a working understanding of how God made others should be combined with His Biblical principles of how to dwell and work together in a functional unity. Finally, strong team-building should be taught and modeled to create God’s Kingdom synergy in all your local and global mission efforts.

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The Mission Call

God wants to reveal how each of us specifically “fit” in what He is doing missionally among the nations (locally or globally). He also uniquely equips us for His call on our life. Ekklesia groups should dig deep in to Biblical principles of how to proactively cooperate with God in accomplishing the works, He “prepared beforehand that we should walk in them” (Eph 2:10). Major emphasis should be placed on learning and implementing the integration of our God-given-Eph. 2:10-works, with each other in teamwork. God-led and empowered synergy in the Body of Christ is a powerful tool for extending His Kingdom in the 7 societal spheres of influence (Family, Religion, Marketplace, Education, Media, Arts & Entertainment, & Government) locally and throughout the earth.

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Sending Teamwork

Modern missions have been refining the effectiveness of creating well-rounded “homefront teams” to help provide practical ways that help cause the “frontline mission teams” to be more successful in their respective harvest fields (locally or globally). The development of strategic mission alliances, in many synergy-creating facets, should be the final and ongoing step in working towards accomplishing Jesus’ Great Commission Kingdom mandates. The long-term success of the frontline missionary and frontline mission teams depends strongly on a well-rounded homefront team effort.

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