Mobilization & Training
In addition to providing periodic live mission/kingdom-cause training schools, we are also working to provide simplified, yet excellent training to Ekklesia groups for Jesus’ various Kingdom causes.
In addition to providing periodic live mission/kingdom-cause training schools, we are also working to provide simplified, yet excellent training to Ekklesia groups for Jesus’ various Kingdom causes.
We help YOU create Kingdom synergy partnerships, alliances, and networks for YOUR Ekklesia group.
Over the last decade, there has been an exponential increase in the Body of Christ strategically working together to fulfill Jesus’ local / global Kingdom mandate. This was part of Jesus’ heart felt prayer in John 17. We see again the synergy power released in Psalm 133.
We believe The Lord has given us the blessing of laboring for His Kingdom with like-minded believers – He simply asks us to do our part, not the whole. Therefore, YWAM Austin works in partnership and alliances, working to fulfill Jesus’ Kingdom mandate.